Our secure, web-based HR Management System allows extensive automation of all your benefit activities. With our HRIS system, you receive the benefits of integration, flexibility and expertise. The normal cost of this system is between $575 - $1250 monthly, however we reduce our cost down to $395 monthly, if sold along with one of our compliance services.
Simplify Benefit Participation
HR & Benefits Management
BASIC Human Resources Information System allows you to manage all aspects of employee HR and benefit information in one centralized location, thereby increasing efficiency and accuracy. Designed and implemented to integrate with BASIC’s other HR, benefit and payroll services, HRIS dramatically reduces your workload.
Online Enrollment
Through the real-time secure system employees can manage and enroll online for all their benefits annually or when first hired.
Employer & Employee Options
Automatic Notification & Alerts
System automatic notification makes it possible for you to efficiently track and manage tasks. The dashboard helps you standardize processes and track work flow across departments and individuals.
Advanced Reporting
All data within the system is accessible through our advanced reporting