Missed the March 3rd 1095-C Mailing Deadline?

We can quickly prepare and mail your 1094/1095-C forms while ensuring your IRS filings are submitted on time. The March 31st electronic deadline is approaching fast—don’t risk penalties. Let us handle the process and keep you compliant!

As A Leading ACA Compliance Filing Company, We Offer Our White Glove Services At One of The Lowest Costs In America.

For a quote, call us now at 
(877) 959-3953 x222 or Click Here

Some of the services we offer

1094/1095 Form Filing Services Large Employer (50+)

Employers are required to file this annual report to the IRS on the coverage offered to their full-time equivalent employees...

1094/1095 Filing Services Small Employer (Under 50)

Small Employers sponsoring self-insured health plans must report on the Minimum Essential Coverage they provide for all...

226-J Penalty Reduction Service

The IRS has been sending Letter 226J notices to employers that it believes have failed to comply with the requirements...

Past Year’s 1094-C/1095-C Filing Service

Applicable Large Employers or ALEs (with 50 or more full-time and full-time equivalent employees) are required to...

ERISA WRAP Services & Documents

ERISA is a federal law that regulates group-sponsored benefits, often called welfare benefit plans...

Form 5500

For Employers With 100 + Employees Insured. ACA Compliance Solutions Services, Inc. relieves the workload associated with this filing from your...

ACA Compliance Solution Services, Inc.

We are a premier, full-service provider of compliance services to employer groups nationwide. With more than 50 years of professional experience in the compliance field, we are uniquely positioned to deliver high quality compliance advisory and filing requirements for regulations such as ACA and ERISA and POP (Premium only plans).
ACA compliance is complex, cumbersome and loaded with uncertainties. Our goal is to help you address ACA compliance through a simplified and streamlined process, while further protecting you in the event of IRS inquiries. Our team of ACA compliance experts guide you through the compliance process and ensure that you remain focused on growing your business without any hassles or worries from the IRS.
We specialize in 1094-C / 1095-C Form filings (fully and self-insured filings) ensuring that you complete the filing with accuracy, as well as IRS 226-J letter services. We are differentiated by being the only company that can conduct historical analysis and prepare 1094/1095 filings for our clients.
We also offer preparation of ERISA Wrap plan documents for employers with large and small groups to comply with ERISA relating to their welfare benefit plans, as well as Form 5500 Filing services.

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